01536 330642

Email the Bursar

Woodford Road, Great Addington,
Northants, NN14 4BS

These Policies are subject to the published Equality information in line with the Equality Duty 2011 and are underpinned by the Christian beliefs of our School.

View each policy below. 

If you would like to be issued with a paper copy of any of our Policies, please contact the school office on: 01536 330642 or, alternatively, email: 

PDET Policies

Click here to access PDET website page which details the Trust’s governance arrangements, the academy memorandum and articles of association, annual accounts, annual report and funding agreement. 

Click here PDET Policies to access PDET Policies.

Click here PDET Governance to access PDET Policies.

Statutory Policies

Below are policies that are required by legislation.

Title Description Download
pdf Acceptable Usage Policy Download Preview
pdf Accessibility Plan 2022-2024 Download Preview
pdf Anti-bullying Policy Download Preview
pdf Appendix - SEND Policy Download Preview
pdf Attendance Policy May 2024 Download Preview
pdf Behaviour policy - school specific 2023 Download Preview
pdf Behaviour Policy including Trust Principles 2023 Download Preview
pdf British Values & Readicalisation Policy - Jan 24 Download Preview
pdf Charging and Remissions Policy 2021 Download Preview
pdf Complaints Policy and Procedures - Nov 23 Download Preview
pdf Covid 19 Appendix Behaviour Agreement for Children Download Preview
pdf Covid 19 Appendix Behaviour Letter for Parents Download Preview
pdf Equalities Policy - Great Addington CE Primary - Sept 23 Download Preview
pdf Exclusions Policy Download Preview
pdf GA Collective Worship Policy 2022-2024 Download Preview
pdf Length of School Day Download Preview
pdf Privacy Notice for Pupils Download Preview
pdf Promoting British Values Download Preview
pdf Pupil Premium Strategy 23-24 Download Preview
pdf Record Retention and Deletion Policy Download Preview
pdf Relationships and Sex Education Policy Download Preview
pdf Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy Download Preview
pdf Spiritual Moral Social Cultural Development Policy Download Preview
pdf Sports Premium Spending Report 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf Staff Code of Conduct - Sept 23 Download Preview
pdf Supplementary Funding Agreement Download Preview
pdf Whistleblowing Policy Download Preview


Below are policies used in the teaching of specified subjects.

General School Policies

Below are policies used for the day-to-day running of the school.