01536 330642

Email the Bursar

Woodford Road, Great Addington,
Northants, NN14 4BS

Our Aims

By the time a child leaves Great Addington they will have had the chance to:

  • Become a valued member of a family community
  • Experience a rich and exciting curriculum and outstanding enrichment opportunities within a strong Christian environment
  • Learn from experts in their field, including sport, music and the wider arts
  • Make progress in order to be the best they can be
  • Gain the skills needed to become a life long learner
  • Develop strong relationships and healthy lifestyles built on friendship and respect.
  • Celebrate success and be celebrated
  • Develop a spiritual awareness and a sense of awe and wonder that enables them to look at and think deeply about their place in the world around them.
  • Develop a growth mindset and improve their academic resilience

Together we build a Christian foundation of love, care, respect and forgiveness for all members of our school family. These deeply embedded values influence  our whole lives and community, permeating everything we are and do. Our love is not just words and talk, it is true love, shown in our actions.

Our Values

Our family community is built upon core Christian Values which are at the heart of all we do. These are love, care, respect, forgiveness and excellence. Yet, we are never limited to just these five strong values and regularly focus on other important ones, helping us to appreciate what being a more rounded Christian is like. 

As a Church of England school we try very hard to live out our five key Christian values. They are at the heart of all we do. Here are some examples:

Our behaviour policy is based on forgiveness  with every child being given the chance to improve.

Nurture is at our heart, we show love in all we do and believe that every child can achieve.

Our results have been successful because the leaders trust staff to be innovative and impart excellence  to our children.

Our children are well behaved and good mannered because care for each other and togetherness is at our heart - adults model, children learn.

Our SIAMs Report



Great Addington SIAMS Inspection Report 13.11.19

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Hits : 341
Date added: 2022-09-14